Saturday, December 27, 2014

Struggling with Color Comps and more doodles

Apparently I forgot how in ChristOatley Academy's Centrifuge message boards, you can only upload pictures that are in the internet, so that means I have to upload stuff here or somewhere else (I guess that's one thing I can give deviantart kudos for. You can do that in journal entries).
But for now, here's a more recent revision of my first color comp.
 I'm still frustrated, so I decided that doing a new comp would help. Except that brought up a question, about the steps taken in the tutorial video. After putting in the atmospheric ground color, Chris selected the overall figure and blocked it in with this gradient color. Here was the first few steps of the first comp.
 And the new one, but with a more bright, pinkish atmospheric lighting. Except, I don't know if I'm supposed to put in the darkest value and then the light source. spills on the left side. Should I go darker for the darkest areas? Or should I add some more darkness to the atmospheric ground color?

Anyway, some sketches that I've forgotten to show.
This was the interior of an Arby's that I walked in. It was really nice, too bad I didn't get a picture with it.
 These sketches and doodles are thumbnails for a drawing I want to do before New Year's starts.

 And as well as a quick comic for "Beeswax", which sums up this year.
 I am considering a plan to make a story portfolio and a character design portfolio. I decided to work out some basic character designs, to explore some possibilities.
Anyway, since not many people bother checking this blog, and are only glued to my tumblr and my deviantart, I don't think I'll be too concerned with theft. I check my blog, and I see no comments whatsoever. Heck, I wonder if putting spoiler content for my stories would even matter ...nevermind, that's a horrible idea.

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