Friday, February 20, 2015

Moleskin Doodles, Jazza's Robomance Challenge, and My Mistake with Comic Promoting.

Okay then, it's been a while. And honestly, I'm glad to say that my wrist is getting better...but it's only 70% better, where I still have to be careful with it. That wrist brace helped only for a bit, only to end up crushing my hand slightly. Unfortunately, it's that case where I have to wrap it tight to prevent movement, because too loose allows for more pain. Luckily pain-relieving patches and Iodex is helping with the pain.

But that hasn't stopped me from drawing. In fact, here's some moleskin doodles I did during work and colored at home.

Starting with these rat doodles, I was trying to practice rats because I want to make a short comic about this mutant rat character I had in mind. One of the rat doodles is based on LiLaiRa's "Rat Brothers". I love how this person draws rat anthros.

On left is a page for brainstorming for Jazza's Challeng of the Month. February's theme is "Robomance". I had to do a tribute to my favorite OTP (*whispers* Bring back Green Lantern the Animated Series!). The right page is a few left hand doodles. The icecream was right handed.
 This is an unfiltered version of the finished entry. The real entry is going to have some touch ups, due to my horrible lighting and unfortunate lack of finding time in the morning. To see the finished piece, click on this link.
Man, I now understand the power of gathering reference materials, because they definitely helped me. And it helps narrowing down on the essentials you need. Literally my folder has nothing but RazAya, couples eating food, indoor cafes, and sundaes.

Had to do some doodles of my 3 characters for my portfolio...jeez I have not done anything for that portfolio lately. But this was pencil, then ink pen, then watercolor. I like having these colorful drawings in my little moleskin.
 Don't know if I'll finish this one. I just wanted to experiment with some negative and positive space.
 More of my rat mutant, this time with his sewer house-mate, a mutant alligator.
 Some doodles for another short story comic. This was one of my old ideas for that Shounen Jump Manga contest that I missed out on. This had to be filed away since it was more shoujo than shounen. But that's okay, I actually look forward to working on this after Sugar Dominion ^w^
And speaking of Sugar Dominion, I honestly don't know if this story is worth finishing. I just uploaded the 13th finished page, and only need 17 more pages to tone and finish. Yet no comments, reviews, and only 1-5 faves on each page. Where did I go wrong?
 I've announced on my Deviantart that I'm going to release finished pages of this comic. When I do upload those pages slowly, I'm lucky to get like 2-5 faves, but no comments. I wonder if it's because I haven't promoted this short enough, or if the comic just stinks. Should I have done some promotional drawings and doodles to pique some interest? Or is it just a horrible short? What did I do wrong with Sugar Dominion? I don't like the idea of completely trashing this short comic, but at the same time, I wonder if it's like beating a dead horse?

If any of you have any tips or even want to say hi, feel free to do so.

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