Saturday, February 28, 2015

Coming back to the Magic Box, and feeling even more lost

I can't recall when I had last worked on Edith Squeakton, but it's been too long. I'm already 2 lessons behind. Thankfully, this is a more "at your own pace" course, so there's no huge obligation on finishing them on time.
Sadly this is all I've gotten.
I don't know. Do I really want to go into concept art and work with studios or networks? Do I want to get into this type of illustration? I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with any at all. Maybe it's laziness, maybe my indecisiveness is an excuse, or maybe I haven't tried making as many artistic mistakes to grow and learn. I feel kind of lost. Recently I've been offered to moved to another store so I can be focusing more on print and design jobs. For me, I could use the experience, but I'm not all that passionate about graphic design. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy working on something that requires design, but I'm really spoiled and biased on what I like and want to draw. I seem to like making loose, scribbly doodles than actual finished work.
It makes me wonder, am I fine with working as a webcomic artist being supported through commissions, patreon, and commissions at conventions full-time?
Or do I mind working on storyboards or conceptual work for other people?

Will I be fine with working as a graphic designer at the UPS store I work at while I work on my comics and side projects for a long time?

Or am I better off staying where I am until I pay off my car, so that way I have more free time to work on everything and building myself as a webcomic artist?

I know it's important to grow, but at the same time, I feel like I'm only overwhelming myself with too much information. I recently listened to the Oatley ArtCast interview with Loish, fantastic artist by the way. And she's doing what she loves to do, drawing and painting a lot of beautiful and colorful women, and that's literally what people pay her for. She was true to herself and believed that she didn't have to excel at everything. She still believes in pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, but it's all to enhance you so you find a way to apply that to your work. I wish I could search within me and be honest, ESPECIALLY with my parents who seem to expect so much from me, as their oldest child.

Sorry that this has become a ranting sob story. I just feel like I'm unable to be honest in fear of disappointing people. I don't know why I concern myself with that.

To lighten the mood, here's that scribbly drawing I was talking about.
It's most of my musically-inclined characters. It's weird how I'm more productive when I'm listening in on a group chat with a bunch of people on Skype while drawing stuff.
Also, finally finished this one Beeswax comic.
You can find it here also.

I'm not going to put up the other doodle I did during the group chat, because it's a little offensive, even if it's funny as hell. Check my tumblr if you are oh-so-curious.

It's strange how hearing the explosive laughter the instant people see your drawings or cartoons, fills you with immense glee and accomplishment. Because that explosive laughter was music to my ears. I seem to live for entertaining.

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