Sunday, November 2, 2014

Book of Life, nothing for Halloween, and more story doodles

First off, I know I should have posted it sooner, but I don't like making posts with only 1 piece of work. So yes, I watched "The Book of Life" on premiere day, and I absolutely love it! It's visually beautiful, the story may sound cliche', but they do it in a way that is done truthfully and with love and care. I love the characters and their designs, I love the Sanchez's family. And it's a movie that pays special tribute and homage to Mexican culture and the Day of the Dead. For all of you who want to see something new and fresh, I urge you to watch it. You will be smiling at the end. So here's the page of fan doodles I did 2-3 weeks ago.
 I definitely promise to do a full piece soon. There's one scene that literally moved me to tears (no I didn't weep, but it did bring out a few tears), and I want to do that scene justice.

In the meanwhile, due to my new job at UPS retail, I have to spend some time with the online "Learning Center" modules, which has really put a stop on me working on Sugar Dominion or anything else. However, I was able to squeeze in some doodles during the slow moments. This is actually another story I want to tell after Eruti. Don't have a title, but it revolves around 2 protagonists, Creon and Hinder. This is mostly about Creon. It's frustrating how she started off as a fancharacter, then an OC. Now it seems that I'm understanding her more when I put her in a pre-existing fandom and building her from there. I'm hoping to pull away from that though. These were all done with ballpoint pen. That rabbit, a result of mutation and genetic experiments gone wrong.
 The guy in the cloak is Hinder. Yeah, I'm still trying to build him. But he's come a long way from his original design. I actually got some tips from my brother about giving him the ability to conjure dark matter to help with his meditation rituals. His upper torso can be unstable due to his emotions or his conflicted thoughts. Some internal mumbo jumbo goes on if he doesn't keep himself stable or at ease. Him and Creon are supposed to be opposites, in a way. Which is actually good, because they were sounding really cliche' at the beginning.
 More for Creon. I blame Ragnarok. I named my gunslinger Creon Gilead, and then that brought up more about her likes and her history. Since I'm currently reading Stephen King's "Dark tower" series, I figured that one of her favorite books is the "Dark tower" series. Yep, my futuristic guns suck. I do need to work on them. In fact, there's a whole list of stuff i need to work on if I ever want to tackle this story.
 Her first faithful companion is a coyote she named Oy, based on Oy the Billy Bumbler. Oy underwent some mutations, so he has an opposable thumbs, and a higher intelligence (no not ninja turtle smart smart). Don't know why coyote. I guess it's because I got into rewatching Loonatics Unleashed. *Sigh* I really should get into watching anime more. I really am liking Oy, but I still love the idea of a mutant bunny named Teeth.

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