Again my number one problem is tweaking the colors for inkjet printing, and the hierarchy of the lettering and colors. I don't know why I screw up badly at critiques. I said the wrong thing about my font, when I could've referred to the creative brief glued to the back of my board. So anyway, here's the original color logo unchanged, while I added grays to the b/w logo.
Again, my concept around the logo was: free, music, casual, dynamic, friendly. The figure is the fun and energy in music, while the font is casual.
Now here is one with the tweaked colors and a change in "Music". Someone suggested that I should try to spread the kerning between the letters to fit underneath "Braswell". I have yet to print this out yet, cuz my printer at home stinks and I don't trust it. The colors are respectfully Pantone 2995 U, Pantone Orange 021 U, Pantone 2985 U.
Thoughts? Input? Is the change in "Music" necessary? I recall that someone suggested that I make Music look the fretboard of a guitar. But the problem with that: The flow of simplicity is broken. Truth be told, I liked it without the change (I definitely need the color changes though).