First off, sorry for skipping. I didn't have much that week, but it was no excuse.
So first off, some Eruti doodles. I think I need to retrace and focus on these two and their relationship to each other. Their personalities are quite contrast, and I need some time to build their friendship. And I need to learn how to draw shadow dogs.
Now this past week. More Eruti at the bottom half. Top half was some rough thumbnails of future Beeswhacks comics. The bottom is about Asmod's past Harbinger friend, Brunhilde. I got into her character a bit more, and liked how these two were thick as thieves, getting into lots of adventures or causing mayhem. Brunhilde is a fairy princess in hiding, so in order to hide her aura, she'd have to repress it into a more mortal body. It's either an animal, but I went with a small child. Some day I need to draw tiny girl Brunhilde with a short sword. They say big things come in small packages ^w^
As soon as I finish Sugar Dominion, I want to start on this story, Blue Fire (title prone to change). I still have yet to name the blue-eyed phantom. He really doesn't have a real name, but they call him a phantom, due to being swift like the wind, but nearly silent as a ghost. You can see how uncomfortable Yeoung-Hy is with him, with all good reason. If you know the Korean folk-tale of "The Logger's Daughter and The Blue-Eyed Phantom", then you can see why she has that look. Of course, I'm taking quite a few creative liberties with this story.
I suddenly had the urge to redesign Kanamo, just because I felt it wouldn't make sense that she was light-skinned, yet lived in the forests and the wilderness for most of her childhood. The Shuabi people are based on Native American and African cultures, so I messed around with my prismacolors, but it wasn't coming out too good. Eventually I settled for the look on the bottom right.
An ink drawing with Pitt Artist Pen. This was an illustration from a book based on an old Korean Illustration book. These are Thatched Farmhouses 농가의 초가집. I really need to try these drawing more, they make me more decisive and force me to roll with a drawing until finish.
Now, the past week I've been doing my best to adhere to a 2-hour schedule each week-day, 2-3 days for stuff on my design portfolio, and the remaining for Sugar Dominion. Weekends are then whatever. This piece had remained unfinished, but I'm not sure I'd use this in my portfolio. This is more of a scribble spread, experimenting with head/face shapes and practicing drawing these 2 kids. And soon I've got to practice with elephants. Elephants are a big deal in this story.
And also a new Beeswhacks comic. Honestly, I don't like these comics too much, but I think I'd rather put less effort on these things. They're not meant to be perfect-looking. In my next comic, I'm going to test out with only gray-scale values.
Now I'm considering on whether I should do live-draw sessions, that way I'd be more focused when I'm being live-streamed and watched by people. Rather than slacking off.
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