Yes it's been a while. And it's due to the lack of sketches, due to having very little time, but also poor time management on my part.
But now I can make a massive post of everything I actually did.
And before I forget, you can now follow me
on twitter and
instagram ^^
I'm going to stick with "Inyuji" as my tagname. It's stuck with me, and I can happily tell the embarrassing roots of how I began to post online.
So this is something for Eruti. Again I decided to try working on the style of the character. Honestly I should be more worried about writing out the story, than the style. It was loosely based on the Danny Phantom cartoon style, but mixed with how I draw. After drawing Danny Phantom, I saw how it had a slightly "individual" feel to it. But I might not work with this style. Maybe not yet.
Also, finally finished my first Comic Prose experiment. I might do these more.
Especially for Eruti.
You can read it here.
These are thumbnails for the Sugar Dominion Comic short, cover. I asked my brother for ideas, since this too was originally his story.
Eventually I went with this.
Anyway, this was a bit difficult because of the angle of the face, and getting the lighting. Part of me is still not pleased, but it's the best that I could do. Out of all the concepts,this one stuck out. It was perfect because it serves to show what's about to happen once you hit page 1. This is the perfect moment that shows Terry putting on the helmet that will transform him into the "Green Neon Kage." Which then leads to his first Halloween in his new town, and ALL the insanity that follows.
and the end product is this
Something I thought of for Blue Fire. Just trying out different designs for her mask, and drawing out this one scene that I thought of for YeoungHy. When she starts her first days as a vigilante, she was ruthless. But after cutting off a soldier's arm, she began to change her way of fighting and how she viewed the soldiers; men who are merely doing their job, just to keep their families safe.
And boy is October going to be fun. Because of Drawlloween and Inktober ^^
And I'm still doing Beeswhacks comics, just every other week.
Until next time ^^